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"Transform your sales approach with my free guide, 'Empower Your Pitch: Master Sales Calls, Unleash Success!' Elevate your confidence and start mastering your sales calls!"


Ignite Your Brilliance: Transforming God-Given Ideas into Action and Profit!

Work with us!

For me, your goals are personal!

Let's turn your goals and plans into reality. Hey, I am Danita A. Scott, an Execution Coach. I help my clients turn their ideas into action!


After many years in the coaching business, I consistently saw the same problem. Picture this you attend an amazing conference to learn from experts and leave excited and committed to your success. When it was time to execute what you learned, feeling of overwhelm, confusion, and frustration would set in before you knew it; you are back at square one. I want you to know you are not alone. 


I saw and experienced that cycle even in my own coaching business over and over again. I kept thinking to myself, why can't I get it together? I did not need more knowledge; I needed a better execution strategy. God simplified my success strategy then I helped my clients simplify theirs. 


II want to help you do the same. It's time for us to fully execute what God has assigned us to do, and the best part? You won't have to do it alone; we'll maintain focus until we reach the finish line! Our programs are unique and tailored to making success attainable; joining a success circle is a transformational experience. Success circles are not for everyone; We commit to your success by meeting daily (six days a week) to ensure we stay on track and achieve remarkable results quickly. If you've been seeking a community that supports you and propels you toward God's plans, you've found your tribe.


Ready to execute this is what we specialize in: 

  • Mastering your Sales Calls
  • Digital Launch Strategy 
  • Online Program Design
  • Email Marketing Strategy 
  • Curriculum design resources
  • Masterclass or webinar development 
  • Create your Sales Page
  • Optimize your online coaching offers

Ready to work with us!

We have resources for every stage of the journey 

Join an Acceleration Circle

Our group coaching program focuses on establishing clear, achievable goals and working persistently over 45 days to attain them. The Acceleration Circle provides clear action plans and spiritual support to finish your goals while bringing glory to God.

Join the Acceleration Circle
Join an Execution Circle

Much like the Acceleration Circle, this 90-day group coaching program helps you set and pursue goals. The Execution Circle provides clear action plans and spiritual support to finish your goals while bringing glory to God. 


Join The Execution Circle
Breakthrough Days

This one-day experience will jumpstart creativity and productivity; on breakthrough days, you can finish that sales page or create a powerful offer, design your online program or gain clarity on your upcoming launch. On breakthrough days, we praise worship and work out way into success. I am ready to help you execute your brilliance.

Breakthrough Days

People love working with me....Check it out! 

There is no issue in my life and business that I can't work through with Danita Scott. Her ability to meet me where I am and guide me through my mental blocks is astounding. Danita's assistance in helping me clear out the "clutter" in my head so that I can hear the truth of my situation has led to breakthroughs in both business and my home life. Expect to move towards complete resolution within your mind and business with Danita Scott.”

Dionne Dean  
Owner of ‘Styled by Dionne Dean’  Beauty and Style Expert

"The BIGGEST, HUGEST win for me was getting past the hurdle of exchanging money for my gifts. My business is service oriented with a backdrop of ministry, so it has been a mental battle to come to terms with how to quantify what I do with a dollar amount, while also staying connected to my pure heart to give. Danita challenges you, walks with you, and then gives you everything you need to overcome this barrier. That alone literally has shifted my LIFE & is worth its weight in gold. I will never be the same again after taking this course. I have told everybody I know about it because I know it will do the same for anybody who enrolls."

Toya Exnicoius-National Speaker and Entrepreneur  

The BIGGEST, HUGEST win for me was getting past the hurdle of exchanging money for my gifts. My business is service oriented with a backdrop of ministry, so it has been a mental battle to come to terms with how to quantify what I do with a dollar amount, while also staying connected to my pure heart to give. Danita challenges you, walks with you, and then gives you everything you need to overcome this barrier. That alone literally has shifted my LIFE & is worth its weight in gold. I will never be the same again after taking this course. I have told everybody I know about it because I know it will do the same for anybody who enrolls."

Toya Exnicoius- National Speaker and Entrepreneur 

“If you feel stuck, not sure how to reach or accomplish your goals or need motivation, you need Danita Scott's life coaching services. In just one evening, she helped me focus on what makes me happy and what I am truly passionate about doing on a regular basis. Then she gave simple methods to plan how to incorporate those things that make me happy into my daily life and how to create measurable steps and design my life to implement career goals related to my passion and purpose.  Danita creates for her guests to feel comfortable in taking the time to get in tune with themselves and what they really want out of life. It was the best two hours I could have spent on a weeknight to help me obtain the motivation I needed to implementing those things I want to see manifest in my life. 

Tiffany Coleman Attorney at Law