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Step into who you truly are and live the life you’ve imagined.

Danita A. Scott 

Hi, I'm Danita A. Scott

Founder of Execute Your Brilliance 


This is my Story

My Story & Why yours matters more! My name is Danita A. Scott, and I am a recovering perfectionist!
For years my most significant difficulty in life was the gap between my desire for success, my "great" ideas, and taking action to make my dreams happen. A few years ago, I was in the process of creating my 1st online course with joy, only to launch it with no sales. No one would buy my online course; I could not even give it away; this was hard for me to understand because I was a successful sales manager for many years. As a leader, I am on a mission to empower faith-based to create powerful and profitable online courses.
I love Faith and purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

Why? Because you love people enough to help transform lives, but I have a question for you. Who is helping you earn the Profit you deserve for your brilliant ideas; this is where I step in.

I am here to make creating and profiting from your 1st online course easier! I'll teach you the framework for developing, creating, and selling your very 1st online course for Profit.
It's time for you to stop waiting for one day. Your one day is today!
It's time for you to Launch Your Course for Profit!

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